Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy Subtitles

Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy subtitles
7.0 10 1825
Actor: Will Ferrell, Christina Applegate, Paul Rudd, Steve Carell
In 1970s San Diego, journalism was a well respected profession and people actually cared about what they saw on TV. And the top rated anchor man in the city is Ron Burgundy. He enjoys his run at the top, and has for the last five years. And his news team is equally as good as he is. Professional jock and former professional baseball player Champ Kind handles the sports, the curiously dim witted Brick Tamland - who's a few channels short of a cable subscription - handles the weather, and ladies' man Brian Fantana - whose collection of fine scents would be in the Guinness Book Of Records - handles the on-field reporting. But now all that is about to change forever. The TV station Burgundy works for, Channel 4, has embraced diversity and has hired a beautiful new female anchor named Veronica Corningstone. While Ron Burgundy and the rest of the Channel 4 news team enjoys fighting with competitors, drinking, and flirting with the ladies, Veronica quietly climbs her way to the top. And ...
  • English Language:
  • tt0357413 IMDB code:
  • 2004 Released:
  • Will Ferrell, Adam McKayWriter:
  • Adam McKayDirector:


How to add Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy YIFY Subtitles to your movie

Before you can add any subtitle file to any movie, you must make sure the exact SRT file for the particular movie format is downloaded from the right source. Below are the steps to add to any movie player you are using to start.
  • While installing SRT of the movie, download and copy to the downloaded file to the exact file location of the movie on your mobile phone or personal computer or television.
  • After copying to the same file location, the movie might play alongside the subtitles without any further settings or configuration.
  • If step two above didn’t solve the problem, then after opening your preferred movie player and movie is ready to be played. Select option or tools, then click on subtitles then add the just downloaded subtitles to the player from its location, and it should start displaying right away.
  • And better still, if you are viewing with VLC on your Pc, you can easily drag and drop the SRT file over the playing movie, and it should work correctly.

All subtitles:

Subtitles rated good Not rated
Rated Language Release Name Uploader
Brazilian Portuguese