A runaway vehicle crashes into the Public Safety Bureau Building. The driver is identified as Izumi Yasaka, a psychological counselor at the Sanctuary, a Latent Crimina...
Follows the Pixar's SparkShorts filmmaking process, specifically on the processes of Corbin and Gonzales, offering an intimate look as they bring their personal visions...
After the time of the Mane 6, Sunny--a young Earth Pony--and her new Unicorn friend Izzy explore their world and strive to restore Harmony to Equestria.
From arcade games to sled days and hiccup cures, Cory Carson’s curious little sister Chrissy speeds off on her own for fun and adventure all over town!
Get ready to rock! In this upbeat musical, Barbie stars as Courtney, a princess whose world is turned upside down when she switches places with Erika, a famous rockstar...
Frank Welker, Grey Griffin, Matthew Lillard, Kate Micucci
Your favorite teen sleuths go on an unforgettable adventure to New England, where they investigate the haunting of a historic colonial inn that's been turned into a sta...
In Night of the Animated Dead, siblings Barbara and Johnny visit their father's grave in a remote cemetery in Pennsylvania when they are suddenly set upon by zombies. B...
Based on one of Germany's most popular children's books MOONBOUND tells the story of little Pete who embarks on an enchanting journey together with June bug Mr. Zoomzem...
The movie involves Scooby-Doo and his friends finding a strange object in the middle of Nowhere, Kansas, the backwoods hometown of Courage and his owners, Eustace and M...
Zach Galifianakis, Jack Dylan Grazer, Olivia Colman
20th Century Studios and Locksmith Animation’s “Ron’s Gone Wrong” is the story of Barney, a socially awkward middle-schooler and Ron, his new walking, talking, ...
Everyone's favorite spooky family is back in the animated comedy sequel, The Addams Family 2. In this all new movie we find Morticia and Gomez distraught that their chi...