The film, written and directed by Schrader, follows William Tell (Isaac), a gambler and former serviceman who sets out to reform a young man seeking revenge on a mutual...
After a man's beloved dog passes, he embarks on a backpacking trip with his brother to bury his dog where he found him. Along the way they encounter a stranger on the r...
A group of friends decides to document their lives as they search for an underground fight club that exists in the dark web. They put everything on the line for money, ...
David Solomon Abrams, Unique Alexander, Jimmy Barber, Tiharah Beaver
GRIMY is the story of an undercover officer named Rogers. (Maurandis Berger) He is the only one who can get in close enough to these criminals that terrorize neighborho...
Security Services officer Christian, confused and unsure of who he really is anymore, must come to terms with his own identity while on the hunt for a Russian agent.
Concerned with population over-growth, the Earth government bans, under the penalty of death, all pregnancies but one couple decides to risk having a real baby rather t...
An undercover cop is released from jail after being wrongfully convicted for uncovering a conspiracy that led to the death of hundreds of people living with HIV.