In this unique take on the infamous Manson murders we follow two generations of chilling real life events which occur at 10050 Cielo Drive, one of America's most notori...
The film is based loosely around events in December 1995 that culminated in the murders of three drug dealers in Rettendon, Essex, UK. On 6th December Patrick Tate, Cra...
Mark Dacascos, Jürgen Prochnow, Robin McKee, Tom Taus
A mad scientist's DNA experiment on the bones of a mysterious jungle creature brings the carnivorous beast to life, and only his former assistant Ash Mattley and CIA op...
As a young woman painstakingly prepares a romantic homecoming for her girlfriend, their apartment begins to feel more like a tomb when voices, shadows, and hallucinatio...
Vincent Lindon, Agathe Rousselle, Garance Marillier
Following a series of unexplained crimes, a father is reunited with the son who has been missing for 10 years. Titane : A metal highly resistant to heat and corrosion, ...
Semyon Serzin, Marina Vasileva, Aleksandra Revenko
Once robbers break into the measured and happy life of an architect and his wife. Now Andrey's only dream is to erase that nightmare from Olya's memory. Desperate searc...
Jonathan Rhys Meyers, John Malkovich, Jenna Leigh Green
A year and a half after the fall of civilization due to a viral outbreak, a former FBI agent forced to protect a young woman immune to the disease from a dangerous gang...
A neo-noir set in the New York City's corrupt contemporary art world where the art dealer John Kaplan and the ruthless head of New York's mafia, Michael Rubino, fight f...
While possessed by an evil spirit, a man murders his daughter. A police detective investigating the case also becomes possessed. A good monk helps fight the evil spirit...
An 80-year-old man with a penchant for real life games in a story about rights and wrongs. It's a story about the decisions one makes in their lifetime and the fact tha...
Wesley Snipes, William Hope, Emma Samms, Anthony Warren
With Russia on the brink of nuclear annihilation, there's only one man who can save it: an elite U.S. Special Forces operative who's been ordered to take out a Chechen ...
A disillusioned famous novelist, unable to talk while recovering in his remote mountain home from major reconstructive jaw surgery, is exposed to a life-threatening sec...
Jesus and Maria José are siblings living in the house of their father, recently deceased. This routine is interrupted by the arrival of Magdalena, their paternal half-...