Detective Catherine Palmer investigates a series of sexually gruesome serial murders and becomes embroiled in a world of lesbianism and bondage after she becomes obsess...
Roberto D'Antona, Annamaria Lorusso, Francesco Emulo
Rebecca is searching for her sister, a young journalist who went missing while investigating a series of unfortunate events. The trail leads her to Timere. Here Rebecca...
In 1962 Taiwan during the White Terror martial law period, Fang Ray Shin, a female student at the hillside Greenwood High School is attending counselling with teacher M...
A modern, dark-humored tale of greed, romance, and lost innocence in consumer-crazed, alienated society that functions as a harsh critique of society today without taki...
When the imprisoned serial killer Lasse Maasalo's face and a text "Let's make the world a better place" are painted to an underpass with blood, Kari Sorjonen is forced ...
In 2008, six friends from NY decide to vacation together in Italy, they think they are in for a smooth and easy two weeks full of beers, partying, and fun. Their vacati...
Samuel is a paraplegic boy who lives with his mother Elena in an isolated mansion. When he meets Denise, he finds the strength to open up to the world. Elena won't let ...
Anne Heche, Eric Roberts, Kathleen York, Melyssa Ade
A forty-something ex-policeman named Joe initiates an online relationship with twenty-something Tonya Sullivan. Conflicts arise after Tonya flies to Atlantic City to se...
Matt Frewer, Kenneth Welsh, Jason London, Emma Campbell
The mysterious death of Sir Charles Baskerville is blamed on a longstanding curse that has followed his family for 200 years, a supernatural hound who roams the moors. ...
Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson investigate the legend of a supernatural hound, a beast that may be stalking a young heir on the fog-shrouded moorland that makes up his e...