The story begins with the fall of Mangalasherry Neelakantan's (Mohanlal) son Karthikeyan (Mohanlal), as he ventures out to make money which ultimately makes him a liquo...
'Saving Paradise' is an inspiring story based on true events. A ruthless corporate raider is forced to return to his small town roots where he suddenly inherits his fat...
A forensic psychiatrist's husband is killed during a home invasion, but instead of identifying the killer, she recants. She stalks the newly released psychopath, decidi...
Payton becomes the caretaker of Gregory Devereaux, a wealthy man facing his final months. As they become close, Gregory's past sins force Payton to decide between his d...
In the eighteenth century, Casanova, known for his taste for fun and play, arrived in London after having to go into exile. In this city of which he knows nothing, he m...
Linh, an art student, moves to a new house where she encounters a ghost. She helps him to uncover the mysterious cause of his death realizing what is important in her l...
Brendan Gleeson, Clive Mantle, Adrian Scarborough, Jack Shepherd
Continuing the storyline of The Gathering Storm (2002), Churchill at War is a look at the former British prime minister's life and career at the end of WWII.