The plot revolves around Velan, who gets into the bad books of his father Palanisamy (Prabhu, lending dignity to the role), a big shot in his village, on account of his...
Two familys' lives are turned upside down when a mother recognises her daughter, Alice, who was kidnapped from a beach over 10 years earlier, and who was generally assu...
Raquel's longtime crush on her next-door neighbor turns into something more when he starts developing feelings for her, despite his family's objections.
At the beginning of the 20th century, Claude Roc, a young middle-class Frenchman meets in Paris Ann Brown, a young Englishwoman. They become friends and Ann invites him...
Police surround the apartment of apparent murderer Joe Adams, who refuses to surrender although escape appears impossible. During the siege, Joe reflects on the circums...
A broken body in a white dress, lying lifeless in a swaying soya field. The image of this motionless body lends an extra charge to everything that follows. Marcheti fol...
Once famous for his quick blade, a retired assassin can no longer earn a living with his cut-throat skills. Summoned again, he partners with his chauffeur to carry out ...
Young, handsome, dashing but cynical, Octave Mouret arrives in Paris, determined to conquer the belles of the capital. His first attempts are not too successful though ...
Jean-Pierre Marielle, Richard Bohringer, Emmanuelle Seigner
After he learns that a heart attack may be imminent, Pierre Francois, an old psychiatrist, becomes physically attracted to Odile, a sensuous young woman. Odile later us...