Nigel is an elderly man living as a recluse, haunted by his past and memory of the family he once had, until an unexpected visitor arrives and disrupts his lonely routi...
In the far future when the continuity of the history has been lost, humans live in an ever more deteriorating completely artificial and enclosed world. The sea and the ...
There is a tiny island floating on the other side of a distant sea. Strange animals, still unknown to humans, live there. One of the island's children, Paroru, comes ac...
Madison Bandy, Christiano Delgado, Louis Gonzales, Asher Brodkey
In LOOP, two kids at canoe camp find themselves adrift on a lake, unable to move forward until they find a new way to connect and see the world through each other's eye...
Troy Coward, Katherine Langford, Dominique Shenton, Lisa Athans
A once in lifetime heist brings together four mismatched thieves whose personalities collide with each other. Set against the backdrop of the Australian outback, the th...
Blake Anderson, Tyree Brown, David Cowgill, Jennifer Elrod
When Sid takes a job as an egg nanny, he's unaware an old enemy has plans of his own. The shenanigans lead to the first egg hunt and creation of popular Easter traditio...
Set in Ireland in the 1910s, 'Angela's Christmas' is a funny, heart-warming and poignant story about the power of family and the innocent desire of a child to ensure ev...
It takes only eight minutes for light speed to bring sunlight from the sun to the earth. Consequently, it would take only eight minutes for darkness to reach from the s...