The sequel is set in the years following the initial deadly home invasion, where Norman Nordstrom (Stephen Lang) lives in quiet solace until his past sins catch up to h...
These 2021 Sundance Film Festival headliners became household names thanks to some unforgettable roles early in their careers. We recommend a journey back to the breako...
It is summer break and best friends Amélie, Bintou and Morjana hang together with the neighborhood teenagers. At night, they have fun sharing goosebumps stories and ur...
1974: a young nurse is forced to work the night shift in a crumbling hospital as striking miners switch off the power across Britain. But inside the walls lurks a terri...
An agoraphobic young man (Henry), living with a Youtuber and struggling actor (Eric), hacks the webcams of young women, and suspects that one of them is a serial killer...
A mute, autistic boy stumbles upon a teenage girl who has been kidnapped and buried alive by three young psychopathic criminals intent on extorting diamonds from her ri...
After the death of his father, a brilliant college student returns to his family home where he learns that the horrors from his childhood aren't as dead and gone as he ...
To save her farm from bankruptcy, a single mother begins a business of breeding edible grasshoppers. Soon she develops a strange, obsessive relationship with them.
Caspian Faye, Thomas James Longley, Alexis Jayne Defoe, Eric Kole
Six teenage friends take a camping trip to a forest which is the site of a presumed historic murder. But their disbelief in this urban legend is soon changed when stran...