A small group of student filmmakers and a shy young girl with strict parents are simultaneously manipulated, seduced and abused by an older man. They follow his bidding...
Disaster waits for those traveling on the last red-eye flight from a secluded Pacific island. The captain and chief flight attendant fight to save passengers from the o...
"Bilocation" is a supernatural phenomenon in which an individual appears in two different places at the same time, which has been reported historically worldwide. What ...
Ian Boldsworth and Barry Dodds visit the most haunted village in the world, the home of the world's most violent poltergeist, the underground labyrinths of Edinburgh, a...
Workers employed at a French vineyard quietly follow old pagan rituals that call for the life of the marquis owner to save his crops during dry seasons.
The lives of ten strangers intersect through a terrifying chain of events as a mutating fungus begins to spread through a small town wiping out everyone that comes into...
Nine tales of terror weave together the story of isolated citizens around the world as they confront their darkest fears in an attempt to survive an increasingly deadly...