The untold story of the world's longest running video show, Video Music Box. Host Ralph McDaniels' vast footage archive reveals the show's importance to numerous big-na...
The Tangwalder off California's Channel Islands are full of wonders: hugging starfish, dazzling octopuses, capricious sea lions and more, shot by Howard Hall, the direc...
Depeche Mode prepares for the 101st and final concert of its massive world tour at the Rose Bowl Stadium, Pasadena, California, while a group of fans who won a contest ...
In a small Oregon community, a high school soccer team struggles to overcome class and racial divide in a quest for both individual and team success. While Domingo deal...
Follows Gordon Parks' stellar career from staff photographer for LIFE magazine, through his artistic development photographing everyday Americans, through his evolution...
Director's interviews, accompanied by archival footage and original music, Ram Dass explores our universal human condition and behaviors in connection to the journey of...
DON'T TRY TO UNDERSTAND: A Year in the Life of Earl "DMX" Simmons is a no-holds-barred portrait of hip-hop's most tortured superstar. A deeply personal exploration of F...
It follows the band on tour, telling the full story of how three young men followed their impossible dream of becoming Norwegian pop stars. When Take On Me reached numb...
Freddie Rodriguez, Robert Steffey, Deliris Vasquez
A relentless ride through the streets and prisons of Newark, New Jersey's largest city, and desperate fight to survive the deadliest enemy ever to attack America.
Lead Me Home is a short film that follows several people living on the streets in West Coast cities. Conceived to be a cinematic study of contrasts, the film will be fa...