A group of juvenile delinquents lives a violent and crime-filled life in the festering slums of Mexico City, and the morals of young Pedro are gradually corrupted and d...
Andi's life is a constant battle for his home, his three children and the woman he still loves. He only has two weeks to pay her back the borrowed 5,000 EUR. When he lo...
Andrea Roth, Jasper Polish, Sara Fletcher, Kristin Booth
A mother who will stop at nothing to get her daughter back exposes the intricate seductive power of Allison and Keith and the mental and physical abuse inflicted on her...
Tom Courtenay, Christopher Eccleston, Eileen Atkins
This drama reveals the controversial postwar 1950's London murder trial that sent an intellectually challenged young man to the gallows for a murder he did not commit.
A man is in radio contact with his family when their airplane is shot down. He wants those responsible and becomes a criminal to get a job as deep sea diver with those ...
After growing up in a poor gypsy camp, Edmond Vidal, aka Momon, has retained a sense of family, unfailing loyalty and pride in his origins. Most of all, he has remained...
During the Cold War, at a California atomic research plant, an FBI agent and a Scotland Yard inspector join forces to eliminate a foreign nuclear spy ring operating in ...
Three patients of different backgrounds, illnesses and stages are being treated at a psychiatric clinic in Nagano Prefecture. Their cases range from the criminal to mer...
A high school and its students are in shambles and far from anything anyone would describe as doing well. The thugs of the Akimotogumi yakuza decide to take the matter ...
Rita is a tough narc cop with a wig for every occasion. Outside a drug heist scene with several bodies and a hardly cut fatal drug, Fatal Beauty, she finds a Kroll Cons...
Alex, son of a leader of the Algerians in Marseilles, has a series of confrontations with the Corsican mafia after his stint in the French Foreign Legion.
A doctor tries to extricate himself from the stressful work of treating drug addicts, the homeless and the destitute in difficult neighborhoods at night.