A young undercover cop tries to get back with his former love, while unraveling the mystery behind the head of the police force. Meanwhile he has to protect the boss' d...
A man implicated in the triple homicide of three Hollywood starlets begins his own investigation. Needing assistance, he enlists the two detectives on his tail in order...
Lao San, is a retired Marine veteran who lives in his world of innocence and optimism due to a brain injury. He assumes the role of a dedicated vigilante and fights peo...
"I deliver everything that the post office service does not handle." Eun-ha, who is a normal junkyard employee, secretly works as a delivery clerk that deals with unusu...
When a cult of terrorists ruins a city by releasing a toxin that causes people's abilities to spiral out of control, Japan's greatest heroes spread around the world in ...
At last the Feds have caught him! Infamous 60's radical Huey Walker is heading for jail. So how come it's Huey's yuptight FBI escort who ends up behind bars?
It's the closing night at the last drive-in theatre in America, and manager, Cecil Kaufman's planned to show 4 movies; films so rare, they've never been exhibited publi...
La Soga 2 is a suspenseful thriller and love story, where a former hitman fights to rescue the love of his life, while confronting his inner demons and violent past.
Alejandro De Hoyos, Ana Layevska, Reinaldo Zavarce
A group of young international military fighters join with their tough veteran leader to protect a young boy whose family was murdered. Now they must figure out who are...
After being involuntarily discharged from the Marines, James Harper (Pine) joins a paramilitary organization in order to support his family in the only way he knows how...
Detective Breslin crosses paths with Calloway, a ruthless hacker who's trying to save his kidnapped wife from a drug cartel. When Calloway escapes from police custody, ...