The plot revolves around Velan, who gets into the bad books of his father Palanisamy (Prabhu, lending dignity to the role), a big shot in his village, on account of his...
Music superstars Kat Valdez and Bastian are getting married before a global audience of fans. But when Kat learns, seconds before her vows, that Bastian has been unfait...
Raquel's longtime crush on her next-door neighbor turns into something more when he starts developing feelings for her, despite his family's objections.
A luxury hotel in Hong Kong is suddenly suspected of being the epicenter of the novel Coronavirus. Quarantined by local health authorities, customers find themselves is...
A love triangle story of a young woman named "Sompoy" who is bored of her hometown and wants to have a boyfriend from Bangkok, so she can leave her hometown behind.
Antoine Duléry, Gwendoline Hamon, Sophie-Charlotte Husson, Nadine Marcovici
Past 50 and unemployed for two years, formerly an acquisitions-and-mergers specialist, Maxime has been freeloading at his sister's for six months. Her boss Claire, a se...
Jean-Pierre Marielle, Richard Bohringer, Emmanuelle Seigner
After he learns that a heart attack may be imminent, Pierre Francois, an old psychiatrist, becomes physically attracted to Odile, a sensuous young woman. Odile later us...
Two aspiring South African actors who are independently in America eager to crack into an extremely difficult and over saturated Hollywood industry, meet by chance. Bet...