A young undercover cop tries to get back with his former love, while unraveling the mystery behind the head of the police force. Meanwhile he has to protect the boss' d...
Two former Army Rangers are paired against their will on the road trip of a lifetime. Briggs (Channing Tatum) and Lulu (a Belgian Malinois dog) race down the Pacific Co...
Sixteen-year-old Georgia Nolan dreams of being the world's first-ever female firefighter. When a mysterious arsonist starts burning down Broadway, New York's firemen be...
Freddy the gym teacher has to teach remedial English in summer (high) school, if he wants tenure. As he can only teach gym and his students want fun, emphasis is on "fi...
At last the Feds have caught him! Infamous 60's radical Huey Walker is heading for jail. So how come it's Huey's yuptight FBI escort who ends up behind bars?
It's the closing night at the last drive-in theatre in America, and manager, Cecil Kaufman's planned to show 4 movies; films so rare, they've never been exhibited publi...
Awaiting a visit by a committee that could give his company an award for excellence, the owner of an industrial scales manufacturing business tries to resolve any probl...