Mountain Men is a comedy/drama that follows two estranged brothers, Toph and Cooper, as they journey to a remote family cabin in the mountains to evict a squatter. Buri...
Sparks fly as a romance novelist works with the local blacksmith to save a charming pioneer village before Christmas. But when her secret crush arrives, she takes a pag...
Aleksandre Koberidze, Lilith Stangenberg, Alexander Herbst
A penniless Soviet refugee falls in love with an eccentric young vampiress spending the summer at the seaside with her awkward servant. A Marxist vampire comedy.
The First Chapter of The Anthology Film- In A Brave New World, a mysterious virus brings the city to ruins and zombies flood the streets of Seoul. The Chapter 2, The He...
A recently separated Argentinian man and woman, with their two teenage children, go on a family holiday to Florianópolis, Brazil, where they become delightfully and pr...
In a city with little water, the chaotic life of Alexandra 30, and her adorable daughter Maria 9, takes a turn with the death of her father who inherits a little hotel ...
Yuriy Yakovlev, Leonid Kuravlyov, Aleksandr Demyanenko
An ordinary Soviet building manager, living in the 20th century, is extremely similar to Tsar of All Rus' - Ivan IV the Terrible (1530 - 1584). He would never have know...
A film about two mortal enemies - a little Mouse and a Fox, who after an unfortunate accident, meet in animal heaven. They lose their natural instincts and become best ...
Tired of being locked in a reptile house where humans gawk at them like they're monsters, a group of Australia's deadliest creatures plot a daring escape from their zoo...
Resolving to achieve professional success without compromising her ethics, Lucy embarks on a ruthless game of one-upmanship against cold and efficient nemesis Joshua, a...